Weekends come and go

Sorry about the lack of posting this past weekend. It was a busy one! But I took lots of pictures!

So Hmm let's see where do I start? I know! Friday morning Nova was caught by Cain cuddling up to me!

 You might see something a bit odd about this picture. So let's play a game... guess what is NOT right in this picture above!

Figure it out yet??

My ring is on my middle finger!!! Why you might ask. Well, we didn't want to get it sent in to get resized until AFTER all the holidays. Thanksgiving, Cain's birthday, Christmas and last but at least new years! So since it was to big we have bought a couple ring spacers to fill in the cap. Well it broke thursday night so I had to place it on the middle finger to make sure it wouldn't fall off that night!

But I have good news, we went in yesterday to Zales and it's being shipped out today to be resized. It should be back and on my ring finger the 31st! SO FAR AWAY! :(

So Friday we had plans to head to Fort-Wayne for a trip into USF and house hunting. But changed our minds we remembering we would be in fort-wayne Sunday and Cain would be in Fort-Wayne Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.... oh yeah and Friday due to classes starting! So we stayed at home.

Cain got out his backpack he used last year before leaving for Basic. He found this little treasure. Not the ring. The fire sauce packet. I remember him saving that packet, us joking that he should propose by handing me the fire sauce while I ate my taco. Even then Cain knew he would do something much more special. Which he did! If you haven't heard the story you are missing out! Go check it out HERE <<<

Nova getting a nice brushing.

Oh how we love that Husky butt! 

We ended up going over to the grandparents that afternoon. Something we love to do and wish we could do more of! They are the best people I have ever met. I love how the treat me like their own grandkid and care about Cain and I's relationship. They have also been huge supporters of us. We value that a lot.

Saturday was spent working. Cain worked morning/after I worked afternoon/evening. So besides the early morning we didn't get to spend much time together. Before leaving for my work I gathered up ALL the papers we have from last year. SO MUCH PAPER! Mostly it's all Cain's. I've noticed the Military loves handing out paper that you have to keep forever. I started realizing if I didn't get a hold of all this stuff now it would be a nightmare later on. So, into a folder they will go. Safe and ready to pull out when needed.

Wrestling season has began! My favorite high school sport of all time. I was introduced to this sport the year Cain and I started dating. I didn't know how I felt about seeing him or frankly ANY guy in a singlet. I will be honest and say I thought it was a big joke! What guy would actually wear something like that? And for awhile I thought maybe Cain was joking about actually wearing it.

Well I came to find out real fast that he wasn't. And that this sport was more then just "fighting" it was a mental sport, along with having skills!

I LOVED watching Cain wrestle and was very sad his senior year that he wasn't able to finish. But now we get to watch Sam (Cain's cousin) every year. Or at least until he graduates. And by then, maybe we will have a little Cain taking shots in a adorable singlet! (Can. Not. Wait!)

Cain doing drills with Sam.

Seth getting in on the action.

Sam is the best kid. Must have gotten it from Cain ;)

While sitting there they got a visit from Derrek! (Cain's brother)


Poor Seth.

Wrestling season calls for early mornings and long days. But it's worth it, once it's show time!

Uncle Michael filming. He is the best uncle, and is right about everything! That's just a side note and hopefully brownie points if he reads this ;)

Gotta love a win!

It was a great day! Happy to see everyone and get to spend time with Derrek and Cat! I love Cain's family, who I am glad to call mine now :)


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