No mail today

This was taken yesterday late afternoon. The snow had been coming down all day and wasn't about to let up. 

January 5th

January 6th

After a windy chilling night the snow had stopped falling by morning! Snow day was in full spring! Not only were schools closed but even our local Walmart! That says a lot if you ask me.

We embraced this snow day full on! By first sleeping in, then Cain made it a special one for me by making me breakfast! I walked my first 1 mile of the year while Cain enjoyed a game on his PS3.

Our morning was spent doing nothing else! I did take a shower in fear that we would lose power at some point in the day, Cain didn't seem to worry about that. Not that he wasn't worried about the power going out but about having a shower before it did. Haha

While fixing lunch Cain told me he was wanting a fruit salad. I offered to make it for him but he said that he could do it. He had my attention then, I loved watching him carefully slice the grapes, strawberries and apples...

He said he needed to work on making the salad look nice lol looks pretty good to me I thought! I love that he enjoys salads as much as I do :)

After watching a movie we decided it was time to go out and play, if only for just a minute. We LOVE playing with Nova in the snow. If it wasn't so cold out we would have stayed longer.

Nova get's down ready to prance on us! 

Lane's stuck at home for awhile.... lol 

Love my blued eyed girl! She is just a fun pup to be around. And when I say "Hey, let's get a picture together... sit!" She runs over and looks up at me while sitting down :)

Deep in snow. 

Beautiful. I love the look of the snow when it hasn't been touched in awhile. Waves of snow as far as we could see. 


"No mail today!" I yelled. (Not because I was yelling at Cain but because the wind was so bad you couldn't hear unless you were yelling! lol 

Once inside I made a quick cup of hot cocoa for us! The same cocoa I gave as gifts this Christmas. 
While Cain sipped on it I just stopped and stared at those strong hands of his and thought of how much I love him. Then I laughed at his request of a cookie to go along with the hot cocoa...

Those are his favorite cookies I have made for him yet. I will share the recipe soon! 

 We are thankful to have a warm place to stay with such amazing family as company. I wouldn't mind doing this for awhile. No work, no worries. But a lot of snow and a cup of hot cooca and cookies.


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