A marathon a day

Have any fitness resolutions this year? Well here's one for you to think about!

This vegan food powdered couple ran a marathon (26 miles) EVERYDAY last year. SAY WHAT?! Yes! Who does that? Inspirational people that's who.

Up by 4:00am every morning and running by 5:00am. Fueling their bodies with organic fruits and vegetables!

Now, I'm not about to go run a marathon tomorrow or the next day. But I do take this as a much needed kick in the butt to say "What's your excuse?" Honestly, I'm 22 years old in great health with a treadmill by my bed! I can at least walk or run 1 mile everyday, couldn't I?

Well here is my my goal. 1 mile everyday for a year! My goal will be to run it, but I will at least walk it on the days I'm feeling lazy and wanna bum off the fitness train ;)

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