Another week down

It's amazing to me how fast time is flying by. Which is a great thing right now because me and Cain would love to just be married already and start living together! But if the rate of speed we are in right now keeps up, it really will be here in no time! I'm just praying time will slow down right after May 31st so that we can have a honeymoon that never ends ;)

I started writing a list of things I want to get done this coming month of April and last minute things in May. My mind was going all over the place and I put that to a stop by putting a timeline on everything and this way I can check things off. I'm surprisingly not stressed out at all! There are times that I think "wow I have so many things to do" then stop and stare at Cain and think, does this stuff get better? No! I have it all right here in front of me.

I want the day to be beautiful with flowers and perfect weather. But at the end of the day will those things make me truly happy for the rest of my life? The big picture here I am committing to my best friend to always be there for him, to love no matter what and promise to never give up on us. That's what May 31st is about, not the dress I'm wearing ;) BUT... The dress I am wearing is so beautiful!

So last week I had a great time with Graci. Like always. But last Wednesday Graci decided to spend the whole day with Nova and me! Normally around 3 or 4 I ask if she is ready to go over to grandmas and she normally says "sure" and we go! But I asked last week and she just was not ready to leave! We ended up spending the whole day together playing outside, hanging out inside with nova and she helped my dad fix the bathroom shower head! We ended the day with watching Elf :)

Graci is such a big girl! She saw me about to cut the tomatoes for supper and said "I can do that" "Okay show me" I said. And she did it! She cut all of them perfectly. I watched her little thumb of course the whole time but honestly she would have been fine without me!

The things she makes Nova do...

Thursday I went and picked out the color I want for the cabinet Jodi and Rick let me have!

Thursday it was the 1 year mark since Cain graduated Basic training. And look what he gave me! Flowers! Why? He said "For being so strong while I was gone" He is awesome!

Saturday came and it was my trip to Indy! Nova knew something was up, she hates when we leave!

We decided on just doing Whole Foods this time and next time do Trader Joe's! I was so excited still to be able to find things I have been wanting!

My first Papaya! 

Cain was having fun too, seeing how excited I was!

My parents had a cart and we had a cart. My parents cart was filled with meat! My dad got a little excited when getting to choice what meat to get!

The hour spent there was a blast. We loved all the healthier options and can't wait to try out Trader Joe's next month!

Next we headed to dinner!

It was so amazing! My parents loved it too!

Does this look familiar?! Once in Indy I realized how close we were to the bridge we got engaged on! I txted Bobbi and Mike and asked for the address. We weren't quite sure where it was at. That day was crazy and it's amazing we actually remembered what town we were in let alone a bridge! Once engaged our minds were way off in Neverland!

Cain gave me a piggy back ride all the way back to the car.

 It was a great weekend! But I always get excited about Monday's because it's my day at the apartment! This week Cain worked Monday morning so I went up early to give Plasma and grocery shop. Once he was out of work I made Bison burgers for lunch! And made some yummy guacamole!

When Cain was at class Monday night I added some spices to the spice jars we got as a gift from Erin and Jasper! It was a little messy! But I love these, so cute!

This week is going to be different seeing how Graci is in Florida on spring break! I'm going to try and get some wedding things done! Today we are meeting with the lady who is going to be preparing our food for the family! Really excited to see things coming together for our day!


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