Wedding fever

November 12th | Thankful for: The SNOW! Yes the snow that most people dread every year. But not this girl! And here's why ...

(bear with me while I make no sense in what I am saying)

I got to thinking that normally we have 4-5 months of cold/snowy/bad weather here in my area of Indiana. So if that's the case, which normally is... if that cold/snowy/bad weather starts NOW it will end by April! ... Meaning.... May will be a beautiful month of sun shine/warm breezes/fresh flowers! You see my logic here? It really could happen ;)

I am having just a little fun with all that thinking. Cain and I both agree RAIN or shine... it will be our perfect day to celabrate the commitment we have for one another. So bring those umbrellas my friends if you don't wanna mess up your hair ;)

I'm tired, tired, tired. This bride to be has had ZERO sleep the last week due to a extreme case of wedding fever, planning chills and sensitive to bright lights from staring at my ring too long.

Lame, I know. But for real, you can't tell me you weren't this excited when you got engaged too! And if you haven't yet, I am giving you the heads up, it's just as amazing as you think it will be, times 10.


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