Graci wears shoes?

Who ever has seen Graci with shoes on? Anybody? That's what I thought, it's not very often she does. But because she does go to preschool she has to wear shoes of course! So every Wednesday I do see her with shoes but as soon as she is in the car and buckled in I hear "ugh these shoes make my feet hot!" Haha and here I can't keep my feet warm and I have two pairs of socks on with boots! I used to just carry Graci every wear so instead of putting the shoes back on her every time we go some place I would just carry her. Well sadly that just isn't going to happen now, she is to big!

The other day we were about to head out and like always we are searching for the shoes she threw off some where. I said, "you take them off all the time I think you should learn how to put them on!" She said "I know how!" Me thinking that she probably had a good idea of how too but knowing she really couldn't I took a moment to show her. But like always she surprisings me of how much she really DOES know!! While taking these pictures I was like "Dang, I think she got it" Haha and she did. A little messing but all in all for a 4 year old I am impressed. With Graci, I should have known that :)

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