Part of a great family

I would like to be sleeping right now in my bed with nova by my feet. But I'm not. I'm wide awake with a runny nose!

Cain had to work this morning at 8:00am so that meant me up at 7:00am to get breakfast going! Bacon and eggs were eaten and then he was off! Leaving me here thinking, should I try and go back to sleep or not? I'd love to try but I know what will happen. I will lay there thinking of all the things I need to get done! So instead I decided to come on here to get my mind off all the things I need to get done! Haha

Last night we had Derrek and Cat's wedding! We started our morning off pretty early to get everything ready for the day. While Cain spent the afternoon with Bub I went over to his sister Lea's place for awhile to kill time, and eat! I really like Lea, I think we have a lot in common and I'm thankful for her friendship. After I left there I went over to Toni's to get ready for the wedding.

Christine his other sister was there which I was happy about, she is a great friend to me too. I feel as if I could go to her for wisdom and a understanding ear. She is a good listener and is so smart! Yesterday I was thinking "Wow, I have some amazing sisters in my life" I have my blood sisters who I adore and now I have my sister in laws who I also adore and love dearly. I only wish we all lived closer so that we could spend more time together. I couldn't imagine not having sisters or sister in laws. That would be sad! When Cain and I move away one day I know I will miss seeing them. Along with all our family!

Britany (Cain's younger sister) who I've met before but haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time with was there last night and I was lucky enough to sit by her! Right away I knew I liked her. Very sweet, but the type of girl who would hurt anyone if they messed with her family! Just like everyone else on Cain's side they are a tight group and are there for each other. I am thankful for them and love being apart of their family!

See my HOT date I had late night! I love Cain to death, he makes me so proud and I'm blessed to have him by my side. Last night when we got back to my parents and my mom saw Cain in his ASU's she was like "Wow, you look great Cain!" I then said "Yeah, I couldn't keep my hands off of him!" She laughed and said "I was about to ask you, how'd you keep your hands off of him all night?!" Haha. Have I said before how much I love Cain?  I do. I really do.

The groomsmen with the groom! Loving the bow ties!

It was a late night for us, we are not normally out passed 9:00pm lol actually I'm normally in bed at 9:00pm but it was worth staying up later to be there for the party and celebration of Bub and Cat's wedding! Cain made an awesome speech and everything he said I would have to agree with. I wish them all the best, and God's blessing on their marriage :)

Well I need to go get ready for church! Hope everyone has a great Sunday with family!


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