8-10 Weeks | Our huge Milestone


Long before the 8-week mark came, there was built up fear and grief that left me numb most days. By week 7 I stayed inside just rubbing my little bump and soaking in all the feelings. I felt really close to Roman leading up to Rainbow Baby's 8-week milestone. It was the last full week I had with Roman and it brought back the joys and happy feelings.

Sitting there rubbing Rainbow Baby I wanted time to just stop. I was afraid of it moving too fast and reaching a point where I would have it all taken away, so to keep it there, felt safe.

We reached and passed that 8-week and 3-day mark. Wow, it was emotional to feel all those feelings. There was hope this time around something I didn't have before. It was new. All new, I felt lost almost on what to do next. I had worry feelings moving forward but every day I made a point to talk to our Baby. I rubbed my belly and soak in every minute. I know I haven't missed anything. Every week that comes, we are fighting for just 1 more week!


I had not felt any morning sickness at this point. I had the part of me that was saying "I know I should be thankful for no sickness.... " and the other part of me saying "I wish I had symptoms that come with pregnancy, to know that Baby is okay."

When your hormones are high and working you "normally" or what I have always known was that if you were sick it was okay, that baby is healthy. With no sickness at all, it left a fear over me.

We had decided to do a last minute movie date sometime around 9-weeks. Breakfast seemed to not have settled right, I thought "maybe this is it, morning sickness!?" but nothing was happening. We got to the movies and we were passing Zesto's ice cream. I told Cain to pull over... I thought I needed to throw up but just wasn't sure. About 3 minutes passed there and finally like that, I had light vomit out the side door of our jeep.

It didn't last long, it wasn't much but as Cain come around to give me a tissue and saw me crying!

Cain - "Babe, what's wrong?!"

Lanette - "I'm so happy!!"

Laughing at me now Cain says "Your pregnant, Baby is okay!"

We laughed and I cried some more.


I had one more throwing up session after I ate way too much pizza (it was healthier pizza and tasted so good to me, so yes, I ate way too much!"

I had a friend recommend to start eating smaller meals and more snacks throughout the day. Not to overeat. Since then I haven't had any sickness. But I still refuse to take the trash bag out to the huge trash can, that is a smell I rather not have to smell ... it's bad!

Thankful for every week. More to come...

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