Same Love | One Year Apart

Same love, different Baby!

What a crazy one year tranformation!

As this day was aproaching I could just sense my heart was unsure of how to handle the saddness that comes with milestones after loss. I also wanted to be glad though too. So I kept the gladdness in my heart and dwelled on it.

The gladdnes was that for one year I have been a mom. For one year I have gotten to love two different babies. In one year my body changed, my heart changed.

When I look at these two photos I almost see two different poeple in myself.

The first photo is someone who hasn't suffered and only knows joy. And wow, did I know joy on this day. I soaked it in. I didn't waste anytime taking pictures of my baby bump (although it wasn't showing) Baby was in my womb and I was proud of it.

The second photo is someone who has had loss, and joy again. There is healing happening inside. But just like the first photo, I am soaking it all in. I take weekly photos of baby bump (and I'm showing this time!)

From the outside looking in, people see (if they aren't blind to what life is) in the second photo a growing baby and a mom.

For some reason because of my size in the first photo people only see me. They don't see my baby and they don't see me as a mom.

But I would like to ask you to look one more time. This time, ask God to show you what is really there. Stare at it just a little longer. I think what you will find is a mom and baby in the first photo. And wow, aren't we glowing.

Happy One Year as a Mother, (Lanette!)

You have loved, you have made mistakes, you have cared for and made sacrifies. There are more to come. More love to give.

Through it all there is Grace, upon Grace.

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