This is what progress looks like....

This is what progress looks like....

Yup,  haven't you ever seen this before? It's a kitchen table once in the middle of the room, moved to the corner of the room.

That's progress. And that's Lanette getting motivated.

After some clarity this week, I decided to make progress and move my very special and sentimental dining room table to the corner. What does this mean you may ask? It means I am starting to pack.

The first room we decided to pack up is my Office/"What do we do with this item?" storage room.

Once this room is cleared we can take the first boxes to Bluffton and my sister Lanie can bring a load of her things here and put into the "What do we do with this item" storage room, until she moves in, in May!

So, let the packing begin, let the tears come flowing down ... Lanette is feeling the progress!

Note: The table might end up back in the middle of the room one more time... just for me! :p

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