I have been photographing children and families now for 7 years. My photography has come a long way. I keep growing and learning and hopefully, that will never change (always want to get better!) but one thing has stayed the same....
I love your kids. I love your family.
I love all kids actually! I nannied for 12 years. I started young and just finished my job as a babysitter in 2016. I didn't stop because I stopped loving kids, I had to stop because photography was taking over full time and I had nieces now that I wanted to spoil and take up my free time.
I love photographing children because they have no filter and it's very raw. There have been great sessions and there have been not so pretty sessions. Kids aren't always happy, they don't always have great naps and sometimes they don't want to be photographed, that's ok. It really is.
There is no such thing as perfect. You know that just as much as I do! But of course, when you are spending money, taking the time to prepare, traveling distance and bribing cake and ice cream... you just want a nice photo. Right? I want this too.
I have a sister with two beautiful girls. I am very biased to them being my niece's. But I can be honest too, they aren't always happy and they don't want their pictures taken all the time. Even when cool aunt "Nonie" is taking them.
As I was working through these photos I was remembering the night we took these photos. Emma had just woken up from a nap and was not wanting pictures. She would be happy one minute and then not happy the next (this can be very normal for kids!) Zoe the baby can't be bribed at all so it's just a lot of jumping up and down and silly faces to get her to smile.
This is real life.
But we kept going! We let Emma go play because she didn't want pictures with Zoe anymore and then she ended up spending some one on one time with mom, doing silly and light hearted things.... then Emma started to laugh and smile, this is real life.

Then we jumped up and down and made silly faces so that Zoe would smile too! And we let her have some one on one time with mom (this is ok!) this is the age that they are at. They like to be held, they want to be loved on and sometimes a lady with a big camera is scary. I love putting the camera down and just playing with the kids ... showing them that this can be fun, I can love them without the camera to my eye...
We took a break or two or three. Because that's okay with me. Not because this is my family. But because this is real life. There is no way a kid can act happy all the time!
I would do the same for them as I would do for anyone.
In the end, through all those bad moments, through the tears of a toddler and the running around. We got something. We got real life moments. This was where Emma was at this age. She will never again be this age. Zoe is now 1 year old, she was 8 months here. She will never again be this age.
I want to capture the good and the bad or the silly, maybe some of the tears (because sometimes when they cry, it's cute!)
Because it's worth it, always. It's worth the time getting ready, it's worth the little tears because, in the end, you are capturing some moments that can't be done again.
Mom's ... this is my pledge to you.
I promise to love your kids. I promise to be patient and take 5 or 10, or 15-minute breaks if they need that. I want you to get your happy photos, I truly do. And I will do what it takes to do that. I will never give up on your kid until we both know they are done (and that's ok when they are)
What I need from you is to trust that I will always try and fight for these moments for you. These sweet moments. And to try again every year for that perfect photo. But to remember that they won't be this age forever.
So if you are dreading pictures every year because you are afraid the kids won't be on their best behavior or that they won't smile right, that they will probably be shy etc...... You will probably always dread pictures! And I won't ever be able to make you or them happy!
If you come in with an open mind and say, I trust that we will capture them today, as they are today in this moment. Then that's where I am come in and do my best fart noises, my loudest pig sound and break a sweat jumping up and down for them. (who has seen me do this!) I've done this.
And always remember, it's worth having picture's taken, even if your baby didn't have a great nap or things just didn't go as planned.... it's always worth it later on because moments like these happen.....
Always with love,
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