Emma Talk | August 2016

Emma + Zoe Swing

This past weekend we had the honor of spending a whole 2 days with these cuties! I love being their aunt "Nonie" :)

Watch the video at the end, it's so funny!

Ryan + Sara + Lucus | Bluffton, IN

 This session I had with Ryan, Sara and Lucus was just so laid back and easy! I loved everything about the time I spent with them! I can't wait to get to know them more and hopefully I am able to capture some more memories :)

Bluffton, IN

Colt + Alyssa | Roanoke IN

Colt + Alyssa 
Roanoke, IN

Zoe 5 months...

Zoe is now 5 months old and Emma is getting closer and closer to being 3 years old. Where did the time go? And seriouly my sister (and brother in law) (I guess we need to include him too!!)  have the sweetest, cutiest, most happy kids ever! 

I told Emmie today - "I am happy to be your aunt" when I was laying her down for her nap. She smiles and says "I love you toooo nonie!!" :) then we chatted back and forth on who loved who more.

 Sister photos have offically become my favorite thing to photograph right now, can you see why? 

Sunsets & Aromas

Last night's sunset stopped me in my tracks. No, really it did! After leaving a long filming session I was driving home and once I turned onto my road I just stopped, turned on my blinkers, (but let's face it no one is on my road) and the first thing I did was thank God for this beautiful sunset.

It was about a week ago that I read a wonderful chapter in a book call "Wife After God" that made me do an another **Stop, turn on the blinkers (metaphorically, of course) and Thank God. The author was talking about companionship in marriage, but also our companionship with God. 

Here is what I read: "God desires companionship with you, as well. He wants to cultivate an intimate relationship with you, and He longs for you to join Him. He pursues you as a gentleman pursues a woman He impresses you with creation, magnificent sunsets, brilliant flowers, and powerful seas. He woos you with poetic language, sweet aromas, and courts you with His Holy Spirit. Be still, look around you, see how the Lord is pursuing you!"

This spoke to me so strongly. And since then I have started seeing the ways God is pursuing me in these ways and other ways. I shared this chapter with Cain, as we do every night together and I shared with him how impactful it was and then said: "See, God gave us essential oils for sweet aromas!" ;) This Cain knew already haha We are so thankful for our sweet aromas.

So before taking off again to finish the drive home last night I texted Cain a picture of this sunset and said "God is pursuing me" He knows my heart and I needed this.