It really did go fast, just one year has past and I can honestly say it feels like it was just last week we were saying goodbye at my parents house late Friday night (May 30th) saying "See you in the morning!" We knew the next time we saw each other we were going to be getting married, making a life long promise to love and protect each other. I was ready, he was ready ... I think everyone was so ready for this day to come!
Saturday morning didn't disappoint. I could not have asked for better weather that morning as my cousin, Betsy and I took a short walk down my parents country road. It was something Betsy and I would do many, many times together just a few years back. We loved walking, it was our time to talk, think and laugh about everything. That morning was a little different we were giggling but still a little quite. I wasn't nervous ... but very overwhelmed with joy that I was trying to stay calm and relax.
As we walked back the sun was just starting to shine a little brighter. My dad and uncle were already up and doing last minute things in the place Cain and I would be making our promises. My heart was so full I can remember it.... being so at peace with everything, knowing that this was the best decision I had made yet in my life. Marrying Cain Grogg was and still is ... the best thing I ever did.
When people started showing up at my parents home that morning, things got very exciting really fast. Having a morning wedding was so much fun. You don't have to sit around all morning/afternoon and just wait. Wait for hair, wait for make-up, wait for pictures, wait to see your groom.... wait to spend your wedding day with your husband!
With a morning wedding I woke up knowing it was about to happen and that was amazing to me (To me! I know that's not for everyone!)
If I were to live that morning over, I wouldn't change a thing.
Cain had some great support too. And I know how excited he was to be able to see me and marry me right away that morning of our wedding. Cain went above and beyond when it came to our vows. We decided to write our own, which we did but Cain memorized his promises! When I found this out I was very honest and told him I didn't think I could do that, I already knew I would probably be crying... and to try and remember everything I wanted to say would be to hard. He didn't care if I read off a paper ... but he was confident he would remember and say everything he wanted to say .... (And he did)
Then the time came ... for it to all come together. Everything we had put so much thought into was about to happen. We wanted the whole morning to be focused on our promises, our vows to each other. We wanted the morning to be about love, God, our families and the commitment we were ready to make. We didn't want anything else to matter.
The Bell. The ringing of my mom's old school house hand held bell was when my heart stopped and I knew Cain was walking over to stand and wait for me to walk from my parents front porch to the wooded area at the side of their property. It rang a couple more times. It was just Graci, Nova and I waiting for the right timing to head that way.
I wanted to cry right there and then... Graci was being so brave and mature. She tugged on Nova to stay straight and she walked down....
Then I saw Cain and everything did fall right into place. With my siblings playing their instruments, my dad walking me down, holding flowers our grandma picked from her back yard that morning.... I soaked it all up and then locked eyes on Cain... I didn't see anyone but Cain the whole way down that rose petaled aisle...
Our special guests we had can explain the rest of the vows and my Dad's forward to us. I can remember what was said because we have it on video, but if not I'm not quite sure if I could remember. Honestly, I'm not sure if a baby cried, someone coughed or said anything ... because it was just me and Cain there at that moment.
It was just God and us making the vows to never leave, forsake, no matter what. To love and be a support till death. We promised what was important to us to keep, and we know our marriage was blessed by God, our family and those close friends.
At that point there was nothing else to do, we had done what we came there to do! But we did want to thank our guest for coming to support us and of course I wanted to have a first dance. We did that for the fun, for the laugh and joy of now being married.
But we knew it wasn't about that fun garter toss or the cutting of the "Cake" or in our case the "dipping of Oreos in Milk" It was about our vows and having a relationship that was built on God's commandments and love to us.
One year later, today ... We can say that not everything is the same ... One thing that is not the same is our love.... that love was amazing and so strong a year ago... but today, it's only stronger.
It's more powerful and fierce then it's ever been. And one more thing that's not the same is how much we know about each other. I have learned more things about Cain now then before and same for him.
We know just a little bit more about what TRUE love really means. I think we will never stop learning about each other and I can only hope to fall more in love with my husband every year.
Today I kissed Cain goodbye for just a short time. He is leaving for AT (Annual Training for the Army) so we won't be able to actually spend our one year together in person, but that doesn't stop us from spending the day together in heart. It was in my promises to him last year that no matter where he went or how long he would be gone I would always be here waiting for him to come home, with a huge hug.
Happy 1 year down, a life time to go ...
The Grogg Wedding - Blog Post