Being married has been amazing. I love my time with Cain everyday and enjoy every minute being his wife! I have had a couple days off the past two weeks so that has left me with time to get the apartment more organized!
Today though I just couldn't clean, organize or change anything else in the apartment! I had about 3 cups of strawberries left that I picked to make jelly last week that needed used. I searched online for some paleo or raw strawberry recipes.... everything looked amazing, but I was without at least one or two ingredients from my fridge or didn't have a spring pan to make it in! I have a spring pan, it's just still at my parents house!
I could have ran to Kroger's just a mile away to pick up the things I needed, but I decided that I wanted to try something on my own.
It doesn't take a genius to make up a desert I thought, what's the worse thing that could happen with strawberries!?
I wanted to make something raw. Now for the longest time when I heard "Raw" I thought meat. Then I realized it could mean something else once I started eating right. Raw to me means, fresh. Most like it's self and whole.
When you cook things, even healthy foods you lose some value. When things go under heat it loses some nutrition. Nothing to bad, unless you are frying it. Now that's bad.
So back to Strawberries and wanting something fresh!
I have enough nuts in this apartment to last a life time so I started with the crust of this "Pie"
I added dates....
And mixed them in the food processor ...
Now, the strawberries for the creamy layer...
and raw cashews...
Frozen Strawberry Strudel Pie:
1 cups Almonds
1/2 cup Pecons
1/2 Hazelnut
14 Dates
1 teaspoon Maple Syrup
Strawberry layer:
2 cups Raw Cashews
2 cups Strawberries
1 teaspoon Maple Syrup
How too:
Processe the nuts and dates until to becomes a think flour texture.
place the nuts in a glass pan and pressed down making it a crust.
set in freezer.
Next process the cashews and strawberries until it becomes a smooth cream.
then pour on top of your crust and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.
top with strawberries
Now you may be wondering where I got the name? Well tonight when I let Cain be the first one to taste test, this is what he said .... "Baby! It taste like an toaster strudel!" .... Me: "WHAT?!" I hurried up and took a bite..... And yes, it really did. It taste like a cold strawberry toaster strudel.....
WITHOUT all the poison Pillsbury likes to sell you. Take note: Pillsbury is selling you poison in your food. Don't believe me? Let's talk!
So, there you have it.
Be aware. be smart. be healthy.
Mrs. Grogg